The battles across the European league hot up this week. But nowhere more than at Anfield where it reaches fever pitch as the gladiators of EPL meet in what some are already describing as the league decider. It is early...
Category: Football
Focus on Nigerian Football
Best Ogedegbe and Ibadan, the graveyard of forgotten football heroes!
I shall be in Ibadan next week. Why should that be news? Well, it really should not be, but it is. Going to Ibadan, for me, has become a burden of some sort. For what I did in Ibadan, for...
European League Predictions – Week 13
Hello readers, I hope you have been enjoying my predictions. It has been challenging and interesting picking winners seeing how the leagues are shaping so far this season. In my top picks this week I foresee a good number...
Remembering Gangling Rashidi Yekini.
Had I known that he shared the same birthday as one of the greatest football players in the history of the game, I would not have been wondering for years about where Rashidi got his prodigious goal-scoring ability from. How...
European League Predictions – Week 12
Hello readers, This weekend promises blockbuster football entertainment as it promises some mouth-watering titanic clashes across the different leagues.
The King of Nigerian Schools’ football – a tribute to St. Murumba College!
Which secondary school has produced the highest number of players for the Green/Super Eagles in Nigeria’s history? This is a Million-Dollar poser that I have been trying to solve in the past 48 hours. The process has been an experience I must...
My class constituted all of the school’s first XI football team!
This is fŕom 1967 or 1968. St. Murumba College, Jos. My class constituted all of the school's first XI football team. How did that happen?
Nigerian Football – the shame of a Nation!
I am tired of the endless lamentation. I would not have touched the subject again had Osasu Obayiuwana not called me up from his holiday in California, two days ago, to rant and rave about the state of Nigerian football...
Euro 2020 qualifying series.
Hello readers, The second international windows break is here and our focus will switch from European club action to European Championship (Euro 2020) qualifying series.
Football in Nigeria is ‘dead’, and must be saved NOW!
I have never found it more difficult to write about football in all the years of my writing than I do now. Suddenly, after so many decades of living in denial and in hope, I am about to give up...
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